• Faith - Home - Prayer

    Scriptures to Pray Through Every Moment of the Day

    We are told to pray without ceasing. But for many, they don’t really know what that means. As God’s children we are supposed to have a relationship with Him. That means we need to talk to Him like He is our best friend, ask His advice like a father, speak to Him like He is our Bridegroom, and come to Him when we are lost and afraid.  Praying may seem daunting or even difficult when we don’t know how to have a true relationship with the Lord. It takes practice, like any good relationship. So don’t give up. If you…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Verses to Pray Over Your Children

    Children are a gift from the Lord. And as parents we are responsible for their upbringing both physically and spiritually.  Our children are a blessing to us but they are ultimately His. The Lord has given us the responsibility of them but we must work on giving them back to Him.  One way we can care for our children is by praying for them and over them.  Praying for their futures, their health, their walk with the Lord, their character, and anything else is just so important no matter how old your children are.  And praying scripture over your children…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Anoint Your Home

    The concept of anointing is a physical act of welcoming God’s Spirit in. All throughout the Bible we see the places or people that were anointed with oil were a representative of our Lord—the temple, David, Jacob’s altar, etc.  This acting of anointing things with oil is very sacred and is honestly kind of forgotten in today’s mainstream church. But when you dive into learning more about it, it’s such a beautiful act.  And I believe as wives and mothers we should be anointing our homes on a regular basis. If you want to know more or how to even…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Learning to Become a Woman of Prayer

    Prayer is so powerful. It is such an amazing gift that our Heavenly Father has given to us and that He wants us to use to communicate with Him. But there is so much more to prayer than just communicating with God. Prayer holds power. It has the ability to change outcomes and transform lives. And as a daughter of God I believe it is your responsibility to learn to become a woman of prayer. If you’re like me you probably were never taught to prayer besides praying kind of on the shallow end. You were never taught to go…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Scriptures to Pray Over Your Home

    There is something about the power of prayer. We are given the ability to speak with authority over the enemy in our Savior’s name.  And there is something so beautiful about praying over your home. You are the gatekeeper of your home (or room/space) and you have the authority over what you allow into your walls.  And let me just say, the enemy is after your family. He wants to divide and send fear to anyone he can.  But we are granted the ability to pray with authority in our Lord’s name. He is stronger than the enemy and everything…

  • Health - Inspiration - Simple Living - Uncategorized

    7 Ways to Set Yourself Up For Rest

    Taking the time to rest during your week is so important. The Bible speaks on this in so many places and it is so important to God. He established a special day of rest to remind us just how important it is to Him. But if you’re like me, applying yourself to actually rest can be difficult. My mind is constantly going, there are things that I see that need cleaning, and so many responsibilities are just never done. So how can I find time to rest? The concept of rest is such a mental thing. If you don’t set…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    3 Things We Can Learn from the Life of Esther

    Queen Esther is such an amazing character to look at. And as women of God we can learn so much from this woman of God. Esther was bold and strong. She changed the history for God’s people. There are so many character traits of Esther’s that stand out in her story. But we are going to look at just three today. 1) Esther was inwardly beautiful and won the favor of all she met. Chapter 2 of the book of Esther tells us of Esther’s journey to becoming the queen. She was taken away from all she knew and placed…